




以适应对熟练工人日益增长的需求, major 皇冠HGA010官方下载 companies are investing in local universities and colleges to equip the future workforce with the necessary skills needed to achieve an 皇冠HGA010官方下载-abundant and low carbon future.   

壳牌皇冠HGA010官方下载和英国石油美国公司最近的股价为1美元.向Prairie View A公司捐赠了700万美元&M (PVAM) to support the establishment of an 皇冠HGA010官方下载 trading program that aims to increase diversity in the industry. 这个为期两年的项目将提供课堂和企业培训以及个人指导经验, 根据PVAM的说法 新闻发布会上

Prairie View A的学生们说&M大学准备为皇冠HGA010官方下载领域带来新的观点和声音,卡罗琳·科默说, 总统, 壳牌皇冠HGA010官方下载北美公司. “The 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Trading Program is a significant step in attracting the best and most diverse talent and giving them the training, 指导和实践经验需要在毕业后打造成功的道路.” 

这不是壳牌或英国石油公司第一次投资PVAM. 去年, 英国石油公司授予 大学$1.3500万美元通过HBCU奖学金项目, 为学生提供奖学金资助, 有皇冠HGA010官方下载行业接触和职业发展经验. 

“随着公司转型,Hga010皇冠软件下载需要最优秀、最聪明的人才,马克·克劳福德说, 英国石油公司高级副总裁, 全球多元化, 公平与包容. “Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴能与Prairie View A合作&M University] and provide students with an opportunity to earn a degree while giving them real-world experience in the exciting and evolving 皇冠HGA010官方下载 sector.” 

利安德巴塞尔还通过与圣哈辛托学院合作,在推进这一努力方面取得了重大进展. In 2019, the 皇冠HGA010官方下载 giant helped the university open its Center for Petrochemical 皇冠HGA010官方下载 and 技术 through a $5 million donation. 设有一系列互动教室, 实验室, 工作站和协作空间, the center aims to provide students with hands-on training and experience to equip them for a job in the industry.  

“对这样一个设施的需求从来没有像现在这样大,——吉姆·格里芬, CPET副校长兼高级副校长, 用一种 新闻发布会上. “Hga010皇冠软件下载看到一个正在成长的行业,在当地投资了超过600亿美元的新资本. 与此同时,Hga010皇冠软件下载的婴儿潮一代正在退出劳动力市场, 因此,劳动力需求随着就业机会的增加而增长. This new facility expands the College's capabilities to bridge that gap by developing and training the industry's current and future workforce in a technologically advanced environment designed with industry input." 

最近, Woodside 皇冠HGA010官方下载提供了12美元.500万美元支持莱斯大学’s decarbonization initiative that aims to bring breakthrough decarbonization technology from the Rice 实验室 to market, 专注于制造从捕获的二氧化碳和甲烷中提取的产品. 

另外, Accenture is also working to bridge the middle-skills gap in Houston’s emerging Hydrogen economy through its collaboration with the Partnership’s Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative (HETI) and Upskill Houston. This effort will map key hydrogen careers and offer new opportunities for Houston’s disadvantaged communities to be part of the 皇冠HGA010官方下载 transition.   

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休斯顿将继续引领皇冠HGA010官方下载转型, major corporations are making significant investments to ensure the region's workforce is equipped with the skills of tomorrow. 主要行业参与者埃克森美孚和柏克德最近宣布了一些举措, 展示他们的承诺,准备和授权下一代皇冠HGA010官方下载专业人士. 埃克森美孚对STEM教育的承诺 埃克森美孚基金会最近为可汗学院的门户开放项目捐赠了1700万美元. The initiative will allow Khan Academy to offer free Texas standards-aligned math and science courses for 3rd – 12th graders and teacher guides to facilitate the new courses.  与可汗学院的合作将加强STEM(科学, 技术, 工程, 和数学)学习的机会, ensuring students have the foundational knowledge and skills required to pursue careers in the 皇冠HGA010官方下载 industry and beyond.  柏克德的建筑职业道路 贝克特尔, 工程领域的全球领导者, 建设, 项目管理, 是否也在劳动力发展方面取得了重大进展. The company recently announced it offered 建设 careers to 15 graduating seniors from the pipefitter and welding Career and Technical 教育 (CTE) programs at Nederland High School and Port Arthur Memorial High School. 学生们通过该项目获得了实践经验和培训, allowing them to successfully move into careers at the Port Arthur Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Phase 1 project site.  “We are excited to offer jobs to these students who have gained the experience needed to complete their curriculum and start their path to becoming skilled craft professionals,凯恩·麦金托什说, 柏克德公司亚瑟港液化天然气项目经理. 森普拉基础设施和柏克德致力于支持亚瑟港和德克萨斯州东南部, which includes training the next generation of workers who will deliver large-scale projects like Port Arthur LNG Phase 1.” 塑造皇冠HGA010官方下载的未来 The investments by ExxonMobil and 贝克特尔 are crucial for ensuring Houston remains at the forefront of the global 皇冠HGA010官方下载 industry. 通过关注教育和职业发展, these companies are fostering innovation and sustainable growth in the 皇冠HGA010官方下载 sector while addressing the current and future workforce needs. 了解更多关于该地区皇冠HGA010官方下载行业和劳动力发展计划的信息.  


大休斯顿伙伴关系因其劳动力发展工作而得到认可, winning Business Facilities' 2024 Economic Development Organization award in the large economic development organization category.  The economic development publication’s awards recognize economic development organizations “growing their communities” and recognizes “initiatives delivering results toward capital investment, 创造就业机会, 生活质量等等.“其他六个经济发展组织因其在同一类别中的倡议而得到确认.  UpSkill休斯顿, 今年秋天将庆祝其成立10周年, 动员200多家关键企业的集体行动, education and community leaders developing the pipeline of skilled workers employers need and creating better pathways to opportunity for all Houstonians. 作为其使命的一部分, UpSkill休斯顿 bolsters talent-driven economic development efforts across the Houston region in focus areas like life sciences, 皇冠HGA010官方下载, 还有航天和航空.  “We are excited about the recognition for the framework we’ve developed and we look forward to bringing our goals to fruition for the people of Houston,彼得·比尔德说, 大休斯顿合作伙伴关系区域劳动力发展高级副总裁. “对于所有为Hga010皇冠软件下载地区充满活力的经济做出贡献的人来说,未来是非常光明的.”  近年来,休斯顿地区的教育合作蓬勃发展, 比如圣哈辛托学院的EDGE中心, which partners with the Houston Spaceport to train professionals for roles in innovative space enterprises like Intuitive Machines, Axiom Space和Collins 航空航天. In 2023, 105年,572 square-foot Intuitive Machines Lunar Production and Operations Facility opened at the Houston Spaceport, ensuring direct access for these trainees to groundbreaking innovation at the forefront of the private space sector.  在支持劳动力发展方面所取得的进步已经为休斯顿赢得了更多的机会, 引起了皇冠HGA010官方下载部的注意. Houston’s selection as a clean hydrogen hub was spurred by collective investment in the workforce infrastructure from UpSkill休斯顿, 休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议(HETI), 休斯顿未来中心(CHF)和埃森哲. 这项工作旨在绘制预计的20个国家的地图,000 future local hydrogen careers and providing opportunity for 皇冠HGA010官方下载 transition inclusion and social mobility to disadvantaged communities.  UpSkill休斯顿已经成为区域经济发展的游戏规则改变者, 为未来一些最关键的部门提供劳动力解决方案. This impact will be seen as Houston continues to elevate its stature on the world stage as a destination for opportunity and prosperity for all.  了解更多关于休斯顿劳动力发展计划的信息.




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